
My name is Karin Lacy.
In 1991 I was guided from within to come to America as a German immigrant and to serve as a Lightworker for America on the West coast.

“What is a Lightworker?”, you may ask. There are many ways to express what a Lightworker is.

I like the metaphor of seeing humanity as a beautiful meadow where some flowers open their petals first, rejoicing and heralding the glory of the Spring for all to wake up and follow. In this sense, the Lightworkers are the harbingers of a new cycle on Earth, foretold as the Golden Age.
First and foremost the lightworkers came to Earth as volunteers to serve as the mapmakers and wayshowers for the New Planet Earth.
A Lightworker transforms his/her internal world to then see change in the outer world. We do so by living the change that we want to see in the world.
The difference between the Lightworkers and the rest of the population is that we already know who we truly are. The masses are still wearing their blindfolds, so to speak, without any awareness that they are divine human beings playing human games on planet Earth.

But now is the time where all shall awaken, and the Lightworkers are taking on the role of the facilitators or midwives in helping our brothers and sisters in their awakening.

My own process of awakening has been ongoing since my early thirties. I learned to reacquaint myself with my inner guidance and to receive spiritual assignments.
I am not associated with any religion, organization, or guru. I am of the lineage of the Promethean Spirit. In doing my life’s mission I’m more the type of “the Hermit with the Lantern”.

I first got on the Internet in November of 1998 and immediately enrolled in an online Abraham-Hicks discussion group. In January of 2000 I got as a gift from my husband my own website, as my Lightworker storefront.

I document my life experience as a Lightworker for America on my website and in my books.

Over the years I connected with many fellow Lightworkers over the world-wide web in virtual reality and have been participating in countless global online meditations.
In 2005 I left my husband and stepped out of my old life in order to openly “walk my talk” as a Lightworker. At age 59 I made a new start from scratch, with no money, no car, no job, no friends. But — as the deliberate creator that I am — I made it.

I lived in many places along the West coast, starting out in San Diego, always moving northbound; presently living in Eugene, Oregon.

In 2006 I was guided to go to Garberville in Humboldt County/California as an auspicious place for the writing of my book, “Potty Training for Indigo Children” — Cannabis/Marijuana/Hemp for Medicine, Enlightenment, and Abundant Resources. It took me until Summer 2007 to complete my book.
In May of 2007 I became a U.S. Citizen, in San Francisco.

In 2007 I moved to Chico, California, where I stayed for over two years.

In 2010 I received inner callings to move to Mount Shasta in Northern California. I stayed for 4.5 years in Mount Shasta.

I felt blessed to be able to live in this place of high vibration and I literally fell in love with the majestic mountain. The downside was that there is Alpine climate. During the first two long winters I shoveled more snow than ever before in the past in German winters.

I experienced the great Shift of December 21th of 2012 in Mount Shasta, that indicated the end of the Mayan Calendar.

However, life in Mount Shasta was more expensive than in other places.

For the last fifteen years I have mostly been living a secluded and frugal lifestyle. I live outside the Matrix System, as much as this is possible. I do not follow any outside guidance. By now I am dwelling predominantly in the frequency range of the fifth dimension. In this state, wellbeing is the order of the day.

I do much of my work at home on my pillow in my nucleus or sanctuary, where the non-physical, multidimensional part of me creates beyond time and space.

The Shift Ahead
We the human family are now living through the most extraordinary and challenging event in our history — the Shift of the Ages. The dilemma is that most people have no idea what is going on.
Imagine a woman starting to give birth and not knowing what is happening to her. That is exactly the state of humanity on planet Earth. People feel overwhelmed, overworked, exhausted; many feel physical pain and are depressed and without hope while struggling through everyday life.
What we are going through is nothing less than a birthing process. A divine alchemy is happening on many levels. We are living through so much which is beyond our physical comprehension. It is the completion of an old cycle and the simultaneous emergence of a new beginning cycle. Our Earth Mother Gaia is rebirthing herself into the higher fifth dimension together with all her lifeforms, including us 7 billion humans. It is a joyous event, we just can’t see the bigger picture yet.
The Earth is moving and adjusting, cleansing, purging, and regaining a new balance. Everything is increasing in vibration.

Big-scale Nature disasters as well as man-made wars are happening, causing mass migrations simultaneously in many places. Some predictions say the sea level will globally rise to nine feet.
I don’t speak as a fear monger. To me this is the time for preparedness. As a Lightworker I consciously learned to hold and anchor the new energies that have been flooding planet Earth extensively since the sixties. Some call our present time of transition the “re-wire of humanity” which will enable each human to hold more Light in their body while moving to the next vibrational level in our evolution.

It is now graduation time for humanity.

Simultaneously, the old three-dimensional world is now rapidly disintegrating. The situations of breakdown will force people to let go of old beliefs that no longer serve them and open themselves to new ways of viewing and living life. There will be opportunities ahead for opening our hearts like never before, triggering the heart chakra to express love and compassion.

However, not all will make it through these End Times. Those who are calcified and rigid in their belief system will find themselves in a world that matches their state of being.

As we transition through the Shift we cannot expect from the government or our local authorities to meet our survival needs. The experiences now directly ahead of us will teach us to start living as self-guided human beings. We must come together in small communities and support each other.

My job as a Lightworker is to create new pathways of Light by living as an example. I committed myself to a life of service by helping others to make the next few years a “joyous survival”.
So be it.

Vib high — journey joyfully!
Karin Lacy, Lightworker, January 2018

PS: I’m asking my readers for leniency in regards to my “German English.” Everything on my website is unedited.


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